22 & 23 June 2002
MVA BBQ and Pylon race

On June 22nd 2002 the anual MVA BBQ took place. As usual it was a very nice get together, many people who are not so often at the field do participate in the BBQ. The weather was reasonable, which is, in this country, a bonus.
During this Saturday several guest with pylon racers arrived and made many flight. All this as preparation for the pylon race that was held on Sunday 23 June. This race is part of the dutch Championship.

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002

22 & 23 June 2002
