Thrush crashed

On Monday evening, July 8 2002, an accident happened with Ben's Thrush Commander. Happily flying in very good circumstances, all of a sudden the plane did not react to controll inputs. It then turned nose down from about 20 meter (60 feet). Luckely Ben was setting up for a sprayrun at low altitude, so the powersetting was only 20%. There was serious damage to the plane. Investigation afterwards showed that most likely the battery either was not properly loaded or simply failed. We did not have a camera present at the crash site, so the photo are made at home. And now, we can add this plane to the list of projects...

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash

Thrush Commander crash
