Thrush Commander

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Thrush Commander
Engine: OS46LA
Wing span: 1.40m. 55"
Controls: Throttle, elevator, rudder (release hook on Roger's)

Ben and Roger and their Thrush Commanders

This is the story of our spray planes. The models as we fly them today started in August 2000. Ben was flying with the (white) Taxi II but knew he liked cropdusters. Roger had een old Thrush Commander that was flying, due to some incidents, excursions or just situations, the cockpit was completely gone. Still, this plane has been arround since the mid 80's, so it is very sturdy build.

Roger's Thrush Commander. Mid 80's... Roger's Thrush Commander. Summer 2000...

Roger preparing his Thrush Commander.

Roger's Thrush Commander in Summer 2000.

This was in Sweden, mid 80's.

Note the cockpit is gone.

Then Roger surprized Ben after returning from holiday in Sweden in August 2000, since Roger had found at his friend Nils Bertil Petterson's place another Thrush Commander. This model was build, but never finished, in the same time as Roger's. Actually, back then, 4 of these Thrush Commanders have been build and at least 3 of them currently (Aug 2001) fly.

Ben's new Thrush Commander. August 2000. 3 Thrush Commanders. May 2001...

Ben's new Thrush Commander. August 2000.

Fleet of 3 Thrush Commanders .

Both planes need some work...

Hornlanda Airport, Sweden. May 2001.

And then the work started, which took a few days for Roger, his plane was finished in September 2000, Ben's Thrush Commander was finished in May 2001)
For details, see also Roger's rebuild project and Ben's finishing project

Ben's plane was ready just in time for a holiday in Sweden to Roger's family. We had planned to bring both Thrush Commanders (there's always space in the car for an extra plane...) and fly them at Hornlanda Airport, a little asphalt airstrip, from Nils Bertil Petterson, who btw, also has one of these Thrush Commanders, in origional colors.
For details on this trip, see May 2001, Hornlanda Airport, sweden.


Towing a banner.

After the holiday, we both have been doing a lot of flying, on 29 July 2001 Ben flew his licence exam with the Thrush Commander. Yes, in the Netherlands you need a licence to fly these planes, don't ask...;-))
When not flying his other models, Roger flies and experiments with his Thrush Commander. We are still brainstorming on a working spraysystem (ideas are welcome) and Roger build in a release system under the plane. Now we can use the plane to tow banners or gliders.

Roger and his Thrush Commander pulling a banner

Roger and his Thrush Commander pulling a banner.

Start with banner Pulling a banner.

Roger starting with a banner.

Roger's Thrush Commander pulling a Banner.

For the rest of the season in 2001 we have been flying both Thrush Commanders regularly. For Ben it is the only serviceable plane (the Taxi II had a broken nose wheel that was repaired in March 2002) but Roger also finished his Sukhoi. In early 2002 Roger is flying mainly with the Sukhoi. Next to that is he working to get his TMG licence in a Super Dimona


Aileron added to Rogers Thrush.

Since the both Thrush Commanders are origionally build without ailerons, Roger decided in September that it was about time to build in ailerons for better maneuverability, especially on finals. For details, see the Thrush Building projects.

Aileron Project September 2001 Aileron Project September 2001

Ailerons cut from wing and servo build in.

The wing completed.

Aileron Project September 2001. Finished.

Roger's Thrush Commander with aileron wing.


Winter Flying Januari 2002.

Real R/C pilots will not stay home if weather is a bit less comfortable. During winter, when the world is covered with snow, the weather conditions for flying can be perfect. The only problem is the wheel breaks through the surface of the snow, so ski's are a necessity. Since Roger already had a set of ski's made of aluminum (15 years old) it was about time that Ben also build a set. In the last week of December, Ben build a first set, but they were to small. So on the 31st, when others were eating Oliebollen and Appelflappen and drinking champagne, Ben was building his second, larger set. See for details the Thrush Building projects. It flies fantastic...

Ski Project December 2001 Ski Project December 2001

Building the ski's.

Perfect flying in white conditions.

Ski Project December 2001. Finished.

Both Thrush Commanders with ski's.


Do you want to build and fly a Thrush Commander?

Good news for those who want to have a Thrush Commander. Leo Holmstén from TECH-AL in Sweden has drawings available for 9 (nine!) different sizes of Thrush Commanders ranging from 800mm (31") upto 3000mm (118"). At this moment we are revising the order process. You can send an email or return to this page in a few weeks.

Leo and his 1m and 3m.

Leo Holmstén with his 1000mm (39") and 3000mm (118") models.

Thrush drawing.