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. Friday August 21 2015

The Dutch Jet Team arrived at the event site in Leutkirch im Algau on Wednesday afternoon. Some are staying in a small hotel, some are staying at the camp ground. Upon arrival it fy was raining, but it cleared, and the camp could be setup.

The next morning, Thursday August 20, the weather had improved, and two planes moved into the large hangar tent. Lot of space, and lot of space for spectators to see all planes.
The airport was still in use, all day long a Pilatus PC-6 was flying out to drop a load of para jumpers, after which it would dive down with the prop in idle pitch and 140 kts on the clock.

Live on the camping is relaxed, really close by, and with fun people and many visitors. The first night Jim McEwen, team manager of the US team, could not get in to his hotel and stayed in one of our tents.
The nights are cold, but very doable in the tent.

Friday August 21 was the first prctice day, all team have an alotted slot time. Dutch team is to fly saturday morning. The day was without to many incidents, only Raimund Werle of the Swiss team had an incident, he is flying an Scale Jets (Marijn Penninx) F-16, painted by Ralle in Orange Lion colors, finished with some scale parts by Peter Coers.
When ready to land, one main gear did not deplay. He had 2 go arounds, and then made a very good emergengy landing, with only a few scratches on the ventral fins and Sidewinder fins. He will fly again.

Friday evening we had a few members over of the US team in Camp Holland, the tent complex. After that, Ben spent till 01:30 preparing these pages.
The field has no WLAN available, hence updates will be made available via the local McDonalds. Hence some delays might occur.

This year also a daily blog by Jim McEwen will be posted, with more details on the event, and the US team team life.

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