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Home SUNday Juli 31

31 July 2011, a day that will be remembered in history. A day where R/C jet pilots will remember where they where when they heard the news.

Yes, no lies, it did happen, it's a great day for R/C aviation.

Anyways, it was a busy day for the team. Indeed Marijn flew his first round, and did not even do a bad job. Most likely the next flight will be even better. Today the complete round one got done just before lunch, so in no time the scores needed to be produced. After a little rework, they where passed out, and at 13.30 round two started. Some 3 pilots will not compete. We hope to be done with this round in the afternoon of Tuesday. Tomorrow the day will start and end with the Dutch Jet Team, Gerald is scheduled for the first flight at 10:00, Derk is scheduled for the last flight at 16:45. And in between, Marijn will fly also. It's gonna be a very Dutch day.

We ended in time, and even made it to the hotel in time for a refreshing swim. Then Diner at the Texas Roadhouse, where Bill Grimsley was trying to drown his sorrows since his wife Sybelle was on the way in via Newark, but he plane returned due to technical issues.
After several large margaritas and a struggle back to the hotel, Bill broke into tears when he saw his sweetheart at the reception, just checking in. It was a very moving moment, to see the big Scotsman crumble into a shy boy ;-)