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. Thursday August 27 2015

Thursday 27 August was a hot and quiet day. Round 2 ended in the morning, and after a small break to finalize the scoring and determin the start order for round 3, we only had Hans to fly today at the end of the day. Due to the static score Hans had droped in the overall classification, hence was second to start in the 3rd round.
Hans put down his best flight, 2502 points for a small airplane is not bad at all. Next time, we will spend more time on documentation.

Earlier on the day, Karin and Ben went for a drive, but back in time for the flight. Karin enjoyed seeing a goat farm. They had braune deutsche edel ziege, Brown German Royal Goat (I guess). I will also add the text of the official website with the day report, to get a better idea what happened this thursday.

Also on day 5 of 11. Jet World Masters the pilots fought to their points. So today midday the second round of competition could be completed without incident. But it will be still exciting. The static judging was completed today, so the jury could seek the first results. These include the static judging and the two srounds of competition.

The Russian pilot, Pavel Lapshov, with his YAK-130, with around 3016.88 points is currently at place 1 in the 13.5 kg class . The Belgians, Philip Avonds, with his Fouga Magister follows him on the second place with 2982.19 points. The third place reserve currently the Italians, Frederico Rosina, who could win around 2961.29 points with his Fiat G91 R. The best German in the 13.5kg class is already in fourth place: Martin Schempp could reach TS-11 2852.90 points with his Iskra.

But there isn't decided anything. So today at 3 pm the pilots started the final and decisive passage of the 11th Jet World Masters 2015. And on saturday at 4 pm there will be appointed the new World Champion of 2015. We wish all teams good luck and a good flight!

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